Our research研究内容
The Few-Body Systems Physics Laboratory lead by Emiko Hiyama is specialised in the theory of quantum few-body systems. The laboratory has developed calculational methods to solve exactly systems of up to 5 particles. Initially focused on hypernuclear physics (the study of nuclei involving strange particles such as hyperons), the scope of our research has expanded to hadron physics, unstable nuclear physics, and atomic physics.
〒351-0198 埼玉県和光市広沢2-1 理化学研究所研究
- 仁科RIBF棟(E01) 4階 402, 403室
- 本館(C01) 2階 211, 213, 215室
(アクセス, 入構手続き)
RIKEN Wako campus
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
- RIBF Building (E01), 4th floor, Room 402, 403
- Main Research Building (C01), 2nd floor, Room 211, 213, 215
(Access, Entry Procedures)